[redland-dev] Redland context in Virtuoso

Hugh Williams hwilliams at openlinksw.com
Wed Jan 30 05:19:18 EST 2013

Hi Ben,

You can use the Virtuoso trace_on() function to enable queries etc being passed to Virtuoso to be logged in the "virtuoso.log"  for review, as detailed at:


This should help you see what is being passed by the Redland layer and any errors etc that might be occurring.

We haven't done any testing with the Redland Python bindings to my knowledge, but we do have a "C" test program in the Virtuoso open source tree that was used for testing our Redland Storage provider as detailed at:


I hope this helps ...

Best Regards
Hugh Williams
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On 29 Jan 2013, at 22:05, Ben Morris <ben at bendmorris.com> wrote:

> I'm using the Redland Python bindings to add triples to Virtuoso
> RDF.Storage(storage_name='virtuoso') and am trying to understand how
> context is implemented. I am getting some surprising results.
> If I add triples with:
>    model.add_statements(context=something)
> I can get them all back with:
>    model.as_stream(context=something)
> as expected. However, if I create a new model with the same storage
> and try this:
>    for stmt in model:
>        print stmt
> I get no result, as if the model is empty. Also, when I try the following:
>    model.remove_statements_with_context(context=something)
>    for stmt in model.as_stream(context=something):
>        print stmt
> I still get back all of the triples; they weren't removed as I
> expected them to be.
> Finally, when I try simple SPARQL queries that should match some of
> the triples stored with context, I get no result.
> Can anyone help me understand what's going on behind the scenes with
> Redland contexts and Virtuoso?
> -- 
> Ben Morris
> PhD student, Ecology/Evolutionary Biology
> UNC Chapel Hill | National Evolutionary Synthesis Center
> ben at bendmorris.com
> www.bendmorris.com
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