[redland] Query language support in Redland

Dan Brickley danbri at w3.org
Fri May 24 20:01:41 BST 2002

+cc: guha, libby

> > Yeah, doing it in C sounds like a pain. You might be able to grab the
> > rdfdb-squish parser from
> > http://cvs.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/*checkout*/rdfdb/src/rdfdb/query/queryParser.c?rev=1.2
> > as a starting point.
> Yes, but that is only mozilla licensed and not something I can
> include directly in my LGPL/MPL software.

Just had a chat with Guha. He says you can have it under LGPL too if that
helps, no problem.

It might not be the one true RDF query syntax parser, but could save some
time so you can focus on the query system itself.


ps. Would be nice to (eventually) fold in some of the stuff later versions of
Squish do, at least the USING clause. Saves a bunch of typing and
seems to improve readability. For RDFdb if not for Redland too.

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