[redland-dev] guid Parse Error with RSS

Simon Cox simoncox at zepler.net
Sat Feb 28 13:37:35 GMT 2004

I'm trying to parse the attached file with rapper and I get the 
following errors:

$ rapper audioscrobbler-history.rdf
rapper: Parsing file audioscrobbler-history.rdf
rapper: Statement: [http://mm.musicbrainz.org/track/MBIDHERE, 
http://purl.org/rss/1.0/description, "FC Kahuna - Hayling"]
rapper: Error - URI file:///home/simonc/irp/audioscrobbler-history.rdf:0 
column 0 - Using an element 'guid' without a namespace is forbidden.
rapper: Failed to parse file audioscrobbler-history.rdf rdfxml content
rapper: Parsing returned 24 statements

The RSS ontology is defined as the default namespace.

Also, it won't load the RSS tag soup parser:

$ rapper -i rss-tag-soup audioscrobbler-history.rdf
rapper: Failed to create raptor parser type rss-tag-soup

Am I doing something stupid?

Simon Cox

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