[redland-dev] redland-bindings packaging

Sébastien Pierre sebastien-lists at type-z.org
Fri Sep 10 16:24:12 BST 2004

Hi Dave, Richard

Le 10 sept. 04, à 09:03, Dave Beckett a écrit :

> Great!  Are you going to package raptor & rasqal too?  I'd
> prefer they are separate so that people can use them outside
> redland.

For the moment, I only have redland and redland-python, but I plan to 
do the same for raptor and rascal.

> I think what you need already exists.  You can use the DESTDIR
> makefile variable to force the install to go to a different
> place while packaging.

Thanks, this should work fine :)

Richard: I'll let you know when the packages make it into unstable, 
otherwise I can still send you the package source (.info) files, when 
they are ready.


  -- Sébastien

«Too old to be alternative, too alternative to be old.»
<http://www.type-z.org> | Robert Smith, talking about his epitaph.

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