[redland-dev] Redland error when serializing with rdfxml-abbrev

Dave Beckett dave.beckett at bristol.ac.uk
Tue Mar 8 21:01:30 GMT 2005

On Mon, 7 Mar 2005, Michael Nachbaur wrote:

> Hi all, I'm writing an application using the Redland Perl bindings, and 
> since I need to feed RDF data from a web application to a Mozilla 
> client, I need to output RDF/XML from my web app.  I'm using Redland 
> for this, but the default "rdfxml" serializer is quite verbose.
> When I tried using the rdfxml-abbrev serializer, it gave me an error 
> message:
> Redland error: Do not know how to serialize node type 1
> I've created a minimal test case that demonstrates this problem.  If 
> anyone can shed some light on this, I would greatly appreciate it.
> http://nachbaur.com/~mike/test-cases/redland-rdfxml-abbrev-test.pl

I've already fixed that in CVS for the rdfxml-abbrev serializer at CVS 1.5      
or newer of raptor_serialize_rdfxmla.c                                                   

Steve's patch previously mailed is more minimal wheras I fixed some other 
bugs too (with NULL base URIs).


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