[redland-dev] "Unknown Raptor predicate indentifier type 1" with latest Redland CVS Ruby bindings

Dave Beckett dave at dajobe.org
Fri Oct 14 03:51:07 BST 2005

Matthew Denner wrote:
> Hi,
> I've just had to upgrade my Redland library install to the code in CVS
> because I need the latest Ruby bindings but now I'm having some
> problems parsing an RDF schema file.  The file is the latest FOAF
> schema and parses fine with 'rapper', but using the Ruby bindings I
> see 'librdf error - Unknown Raptor predicate identifier type 1'
> repeated about maybe 60 times.  The code is pretty simple:
> model = Model.new
> Parser.new.parse_into_model(model, 'file:foaf.rdf')
> Anyone got an idea why I might be having these problems?

Because I changed some of the predicate handling internal to raptor 
ditching a few identifier types that turned out to be rather useless. 
You can see the results in CVS at
in the new docucomments.

Or at least I thought it was an internal only chnage.  As you said in a 
later email, it shows a test failure.  I've not run the redland tests 
since updating raptor and ran out of time to do so before heading off to 
the USA, so things could be a little broken.

Raptor will be the first thing to ship when I get some time (and some 
computers to test it on).


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