[redland-dev] Re: "Unknown Raptor predicate indentifier type 1" with latest Redland CVS Ruby bindings

Matthew Denner matt.denner at gmail.com
Tue Oct 11 16:42:03 BST 2005

On 10/11/05, Matthew Denner <matt.denner at gmail.com> wrote:
> I've just had to upgrade my Redland library install to the code in CVS
> because I need the latest Ruby bindings but now I'm having some
> problems parsing an RDF schema file.  The file is the latest FOAF
> schema and parses fine with 'rapper', but using the Ruby bindings I
> see 'librdf error - Unknown Raptor predicate identifier type 1'
> repeated about maybe 60 times.  The code is pretty simple:

Ok, so it's not just me, it is actually erroring when I do 'make
check' in the Redland code with exactly the same error; kind of makes
me wish I'd done that before installing it.  It fails in
lt-rdf_model_test, and in lt-rdf_parser_test.

So, usual information: Macintosh Powerbook, running Gentoo Linux, gcc
3.4.4.  Redland CVS code taken last night.


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