[redland-dev] using rapper/libraptor through http proxy

Dave Beckett dave at dajobe.org
Sat Jul 14 05:10:01 BST 2007

Eyal Oren wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there a way to set a WWW proxy for raptor through Redland, or for the
> command-line rapper?
> I'm trying to do so through the Ruby bindings, but I can't find
> anything. I can set parser features, but setting the proxy does not seem
> to be a feature. I see the C method raptor_www_set_proxy() but I can't
> figure out how to access it from the Ruby bindings (I'm not sure if it's
> exposed in the redland.so). For the command-line tool, proxying does not
> seem to be an option.
> Can somebody shed some light?

Yes, you can't get at it from redland at present.

However, the underlying www libraries should read from the environment
variables used for proxies.  Curl promises to do this.

The variables are:


$ http_proxy= rapper -c http://librdf.org/redland.rdf


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