[redland-dev] Serializing directly to a String?

Dave Beckett dave at dajobe.org
Sat Sep 1 08:46:28 BST 2007

Lou Sakey wrote:
> Is there a way to Serialize a Redland Model directly to a String object when
> using the C-Sharp bindings?
> Currently I am serializing to a disk file, then reading the disk file.  \

The redland API (librdf) has supported that for some time.  It may not
be available in the C# bindings and they are unmaintained, so if you
want it, you'll have to add it.

The exported API is defined in the SWIG interface file.  You can
see it at:


In you case you probably want librdf_model_to_string added as
a method of the Model class.

Or use the serializer APIs (C# Serializer class) for more control -
that seems to already be in the C# bindings.


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