[redland-dev] Compiling all packages on Linux 64

Chris Wj chris0wj at gmail.com
Sat Mar 27 13:05:24 CET 2010

Wouter, thank you for the response. I was able to set the PKG_CONFIG_PATH to
the newly compiled raptor directory, which has raptor.pc set for the new
location. configure found raptor and it is not compiling.

Thanks again!

On Fri, Mar 26, 2010 at 5:29 PM, Wouter Bolsterlee <uws at xs4all.nl> wrote:

> Op vrijdag 26-03-2010 om 15:20 uur [tijdzone -0400], schreef Chris Wj:
> > I always get configure: error: Raptor missing - get it from
> > http://librdf.org/raptor/
> > I went to the corresponding error in the configure script, and it
> > seems as it only uses pkg-config to find raptor. As soon as it doesn't
> > get anything from 'pkg-config raptor' it stops; no matter what I put
> > for --with-raptor.
> >
> > Can anyone provide some guidance as to how to allow rasqal to find the
> > newly compiled raptor?
> Have you tried pointing the $PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable to
> your custom install prefix? Description from the pkg-config manual page:
> |
> | A colon-separated (on Windows, semicolon-sep‐
> | arated) list of directories to search for .pc
> | files.  The default directory will always  be
> | searched   after   searching  the  path;  the
> | default is libdir/pkgconfig:datadir/pkgconfig
> | where  libdir  is the libdir where pkg-config
> | and datadir is the datadir  where  pkg-config
> | was installed.
> Hopefully this works for you.
>    — Wouter
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