[redland-dev] Installing latest version of librdf on Ubuntu Feisty

Kieron Taylor krt1 at soton.ac.uk
Thu Mar 6 16:46:54 GMT 2008

Josh Jontè wrote:
> I just recently installed Ubuntu and have been getting acclimated with
> Unix, but I'm pretty much a n00b.
> So I first tried to install the .deb files found on librdf.org
> (thought that sounded easiest) - I get an error saying Unsatisfiable
> Dependency: libc6.  I tried installing a bunch of various apt-get
> you-name-it-and-i-tried-it, thinking it would kick in at some point.
> Well, it didn't.

Feisty (or Gutsy, having read your later e-mail) is probably not as 
bang-up-to-date on the libraries as librdf0.deb requires. It is 
certainly the case in Debian that one needs to be willing to reach into 
the less stable (or newer) releases in order to get a painless installation.

The latest Debian package declares it wants libc6 2.7, which I see Gutsy 
does not have by default. If you want the deb package, you'll have to go 

> So, then I thought I could build it locally, because that's how I've
> gotten a handful of other libraries to work.  After getting the
> source, installing all the dependencies, and finally running
> ./configure - I get a "Cannot Find makefile.in" error and it halts.
> And I'm not sure how to get it to create a makefile.in

More than likely, you have a CVS or other release, for which you must 
run autogen.sh. That will then make the appropriate files ready for 
./configure to be run.

See: http://librdf.org/INSTALL.html


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