[redland-dev] Trying to compile redland on cygwin

Martin Duerst duerst at it.aoyama.ac.jp
Fri Oct 31 10:29:35 CET 2008

At 15:41 08/10/31, Martin Duerst wrote:
>At 13:53 08/10/31, Martin Duerst wrote:
>>Hello Lauri,
>>Many thanks for your help.
>Continuing from previous post.

Continuing some more.

>Looking at test-28-tuttle.ttl and test-28.out, test-28-turtle.ttl
>seems to use a syntax close to N3, whereas test-28.out is expecting
>something close to N-Triples. Also, test-28-turtle.ttl gives
>'raw' numbers, whereas test-28.out expects double-quoted strings
>followed by ^^<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal>. Also,
>the order of the numbers is different, and some details of the
>numeric notation are different.

I commented out check-turtle-serialize-syntax in raptor/tests/turtle/Makefile
for the moment.

I went to raptor/tests, and did
    make check-local
Things went very well up to check-rdfxml
(rdfxml serialization with legal rdf/xml).
(make check-rdfxmla is also working fine)
It turned out that I needed to do:

> unix2dos ex-59.rdf ex-60.rdf
(might have helped a tiny bit if these files were called ex-59.out
and ex-60.out, but maybe there's a good reason why not)

Moving one level higher, I got four errors in "Testing RDFA":
0094.xhtml   Triple counts: expected: 5, got 2
0101.xhtml   Triple counts: expected: 3, got 1
0102.xhtml   Triple counts: expected: 3, got 1
0103.xhtml   Triple counts: expected: 3, got 1
But then I got the message "Ignoring expected failures", so
I'm assuming these are not too much of a problem.

Moving still one level higher (now in the top redland directory
again), make check worked for quite a while. There were some
failures that were passed over:

rasqal_decimal_test: Using double
FAILED: (a+b)-b=1.234567888e9 expected 1.23456789e9
  and two more immediately following.

check-rdql: 1-09 FAILED
Failing program was:
  roquet -d debug -i rdql  ./test-1-09 2>roqet.err
Difference is:
--- result.out ...
+++ roqet.out ...
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-result: [y=uri<http://rdf.hp.com/p-2>]

Similar for B-17, but both seemed to be expected.

Then things went south again. For "Testing SPARQL correct",
it complained that it couldn't find XML/DOM.pm in @INC.
I'm not exactly sure why I need Perl here, after all, we
are not yet doing bindings, and I'm mostly interested in
the Ruby binding. Any help appreciated.

Regards,     Martin.

#-#-#  Martin J. Du"rst, Assoc. Professor, Aoyama Gakuin University
#-#-#  http://www.sw.it.aoyama.ac.jp       mailto:duerst at it.aoyama.ac.jp     

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